What Are the Different Functions of Each Hydraulic Pressure Level?

What Are the Different Functions of Each Hydraulic Pressure Level

Hydraulic pressure is a crucial source for manufacturers to create pressure consistently across a closed system, but it’s necessary to understand the diverse uses for different pressure ranges. Hydraulic systems may be employed at low pressures in the tens and hundreds of psi all the way up to 50,000 psi! With this in mind, it is critical to understand which range of hydraulic pressure controller is most effective for device calibration. understanding the functioning environment of the pressure gauge, transducer, or transmitter is just as important as understanding the pressure ranges. This may aid in determining the optimum hydraulic fluid for your procedure. The CPC8000-H Hydraulic Pressure Controller produces hydraulic pressure and works with a variety of media, the most popular of which being water and Sebacate oil.

Lower Levels

There are several applications that employ hydraulic pressure yet only require a few thousand psi to function. The CPC8000-H Low Pressure variant is appropriate for systems with a maximum pressure of 10,000 psi or less. This gadget can create pressure ranging from 75 psi to 10,000 psi with an accuracy of 0.008% of the reading.

Hydraulic systems are widely used in the automobile industry, from braking systems in ordinary vehicles to earth moving systems in tractors. Because the pressure measuring or fluid transporting components in these systems are generally less than 10,000 psi, they may be tested and calibrated using the LP version.

Image Source: mensor

Higher Levels

Sometimes going large is necessary to achieve your aim. The CPC8000-H’s high pressure (HP) variant can create pressures ranging from 290 psi to 58,000 psi, however it is still regarded considerably safer than pneumatic systems. If you’re not in an area that demands high pressure systems, it’s difficult to see why anybody would need that much pressure, yet many applications in the aerospace, automobile, and oil refinery sectors do.

Pressures in diesel engine combustion tests can exceed 20,000 psi. Hydraulic calibrators are frequently employed in these applications to assess the accuracy of measuring equipment. To improve the refining process, the oil and gas sector relies on precise, high pressure gauge or transmitter readings. High pressure sensing equipment is frequently used in aerospace testing to safely test fuel systems before they are employed on multimillion dollar equipment. The use of very precise hydraulic controllers allows them to have confidence that their system can withstand excessive pressures prior to installation.

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